Post by Mariella Star on May 2, 2009 14:08:51 GMT -6
Name: Mariella Star
Age: Fourteen
Gender: Female
Occupation: Begger
Appearance: With her long legs, Mariella stands at 5' 6", and she will most likely not grow any taller. Her build is fairly athletic, her bottom half stronger than her top. She isn't very curvy, though that will most likely change as she becomes older (or eats something). Her hair is a bit below shoulder length, very wavy, a pretty copper color, and if it's not tied up into a tight bun or braid, it's flying out in a trail behind Mariella. Her bone structure in her face is nice, and pale white skin stretches across her person, somehow never too tan despite the greenhouse affect of the dome. Her eyes constantly change color-- people have said before that they've seen her eyes shift shades in a moment, right in front of them. Above her eyes are brows that you never see due to the fact that she has her hair cut in bangs (in a style that is presently unheard of). Her main flaw is a long scar that runs down from her ear to her chin, completely healed but nowhere near unnoticeable. Though, she does have to tilt her head up slightly for the light to hit the pink skin.
Mariella isn't the least bit picky about what garments cover her body, and most of the time she wears a torn and muddy dress that she was given when she first came to Necly.
Personality: Mariella's personality is a mystery more than anything. Deep, deep on the inside, Mariella is the nice, delicate little flower of a thing that she never was and never will be. She would be polite, intelligent-acting, and kind. This is how she is suppose to be. That is not how it is, though. Ah, not even close.
Some would called her possessed, while others would simply call her crazy. Mariella thinks herself to be neither, though she does realized that she certainly is different. If someone random person saw her, they may think she was talking to air, or perhaps to herself. This is not the case, though, of course. Mariella talks to others. You cannot see then; I cannot see them; but she can. She feels their presence, sees their odd figures, and converses with them. She even considers a great deal of them to be her friends. When they talk to her, though, they often pollute her thoughts, and Mariella may go off and decide to start screaming about the Devil or maybe find a knife and throw it at some poor stranger. Luckily these fits never last long, but it is long enough and it happens often enough so that people are very opinionated about her mental state.
When she's not talking to mysterious beings, Mariella is just waiting for them to come back. She still acts a bit odd-- an after effect from all of her experiences. She may fidget often or quickly look to the side, wondering if someone is there. She can talk to other humans (she's actually quite literate), but she hardly ever gets the chance because they're all afraid of her or simply have no interest in even being near her. Some think they'll "catch whatever she has and go crazy as well." The only thing she really gets to do for pleasure is play with her "friends."
History: Mariella doesn't remember most of her history; all she remembers is small blocks of things, like her caring mother, and how her little sister shrieked when Mariella was taken away. She doesn't remember how she was looked down upon for seeing things differently, or how she didn't realize that nobody else saw her ghost friends until she was a preteen. She doesn't remember how her father beat her often because she would act oddly in public..
The memories that stand out clearest in her little head are the first days at Neclymoure. People felt horrible for her, giving her things like dolls and toys even though she was passed that age, being a thirteen year old girl. But they treated her like she was younger than that, even assigning her a house with an elderly lady willing to take care of her. Soon they began to witness her spells, though, and they quickly abandoned her, deciding that she was too much for them. She preferred living on her own with people avoiding her to being treated like a baby anyways-- she always had her ghost friends to talk to.
About Me: Hello there, I"m Mariella. I live by myself in a huge dome filled with people who are more like me but still nothing like me. I have many friends that other people can't see, and even though they make me do bad things sometimes, I enjoy their company. I spend most of my day on the streets, silently begging but keeping my distance, or going for walks with some of my friends. I know I'm different, but it's okay. I'm just always going to be like that. I don't really know what kind of "real" people would make good friends with me, because they'll never try.. so.. yeah. Bye.
Preferred Name: Nyla
Role Play Experience: 'Bout 3 years
Other Characters: Rosaline Rivers